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Your best shot at stopping the flu: Book a flu shot today!
的 CDC recommends a flu shot for everyone 6 months and older starting in the early fall, before flu season begins. If you have not yet received the vaccine, it’s time to book a flu shot.
How to schedule your flu shot
If you already have a primary care appointment scheduled, you can request a flu shot during that appointment. Otherwise, book your flu shot by calling your primary care office or 310-825-2631, or direct scheduling in myUCLAhealth.
Direct schedule your flu shot: To direct schedule your flu shot, log in to myUCLAhealth. Select "Visits/Clinical Notes" from the top navigation and then "Schedule an Appointment." Under the section labeled, “Tell us why you’re coming in,” select "Flu Vaccine Only." Select the locations that work for you, pick the time that you want to come in, and then "Schedule it."
Extended and weekend hours in select clinics: For your convenience, we also offer extended and weekend hours for flu vaccinations in our immediate care locations,只要你能 检查等待时间 然后走进去.
的 flu and COVID-19
Ask any 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 infectious disease expert and they’ll tell you this year’s flu shot continues to be important because of COVID-19.
- 的 flu vaccine can prevent or reduce symptoms that might be confused with COVID-19
- Fewer flu cases will decrease how many COVID-19 tests we need
- A milder flu season will lower the number of hospitalizations and ICU admissions
- Less stress on the hospitals means a healthier, happier Los Angeles
Who is most vulnerable to the flu?
Getting the annual flu vaccine is especially important for those who are:
- 65岁及以上
- People with medical conditions, such as asthma, diabetes and chronic lung disease
- 孕妇
- Those who live with or provide care for these individuals
Flu vaccination formulation
的 CDC website has information for the 2023-2024 flu season. This year’s flu vaccines are quadrivalent, which means they cover the four most likely strains of the flu virus expected this season (two A strains and two B strains). All available vaccines are preservative-free and do not contain gluten or latex. Most are thimerosal-free or thimerosal-reduced.
的 vaccines provided at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 include
- Fluarix - A standard-dose injection approved for people 6 months and older.
- 高剂量氟腙 A high-dose injection for adults who are 65 years and older. Contains four times the amount of antigen as the Fluarix vaccine. If the high-dose vaccine is not available, patients may receive the standard dose Fluarix vaccine.
- 流感疫苗, A nasal mist for children and adults between 2 and 49 years old. Not for people with decreased immunity.
- Flublok - A standard-dose injection recommended for people 18 and older.
Flu vaccination for people with egg allergy
的 CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted that people with egg allergy may receive any flu vaccine (egg based or non-egg based) that is otherwise appropriate for their age and health status. Additional safety measures are no longer recommended for flu vaccination beyond those recommended for receipt of any vaccine.